Monday, August 22, 2011

Top 10 Things To Remember When Changing Your Company Name

Change the name of the company, there are plenty of things to remember. Some might have thought about it, others would not have crossed your mind. You have chosen a new name and use a hassle free to change your name with Companies House, now comes the important part of protecting your business and re-branding of the company.

So what things should you think about when you are changing your company name?

1 Trademark Search

Before I even started the process of changing the name of your company, you should do a trademark search using their new ime.Posljednja thing you want is to go to all the trouble of changing your company name only to find that someone has already registered that name as a trademark. This type of situation could lead to serious problems and other unforeseen costs of the business is taking legal action to force, once again, to adopt a name for your company with limited liability.

S a simple trademark search, you can ensure that your new name is not already claimed by someone else, and certainly to register. Remember, just because your business name is not on the register does not mean it is not registered as a trademark. It is possible for all types of businesses and individuals to register a trademark, so to conduct a trademark search is the best way to ensure your business is protected from further problems in the future.

If you search back clear, you might want to think about performing Registered Trademark to protect your business name from use by others. There are a number of advantages of registration of trademarks that make this process worthwhile.

2 Update your Legal records

Part of running a legally compliant company with limited liability includes proper maintenance of statutory registers (also known as corporate compliance documents). These are the requirements prescribed by law by the Companies Act 2006th Failed to keep proper books for your business can leave you open to a fine up to £ 5,000.

Change the name of the company, you must ensure that you properly update these documents and records, or if you do not already have them in place to ensure that they are made ​​to protect you from unnecessary legal actions and painful punishment.

3.Inform HM Revenue & Customs

If running as part of your current limited company you hire staff to manage your business then you will be immediately aware of the need to inform HM Revenue and Customs to change the company name and details. Even without the personnel and you will still need to let know the tax changes for your business. Submission of annual financial statements will still be required every year.

You can report changes in their business directly to HMRC by following the instructions on the HMRC website.

4 Change of domain

Change the name of the company, you will need to consider the adoption of a new domain name to match. If you already have a web page on the site for your business, you'll probably find that the old web address does not match your new business name. If so, use our domain name registration services to register your new company name with a more suitable domain name.

Of course, this does not mean you should abandon your old domain. There May be a good reason for keeping it, if you have any clients then you might want to take them into account. Also older domain names hold more value with search engines, and hanging on it and re-routed to a new company domain name may be worth it. Alternatively, you can auction or sell the domain name. A good domain name can fetch a hefty price indeed.

5.Company logo changes

S changes made in the name of your company, you will also need to design a new company logo to match. As you know, your company logo is an important part of your business and a way for your clients that you can easily identify and separate the competitors from the tržištu.Tvrtka logo is a part of building the brand and achieve the recognition your business deserves.

for professional and affordable company logo design, why not turn the Society Galleries, UKS leading company formation and business start-up agent.

6 Update your company's website

change the name of the company and may mean your company website needs overhauling. Outdated content, inaccurate, companies and marketing materials related to your old company will not benefit you to change the name tvrtke.Svježi design web pages will revitalize your business, breathing new life and a sense of modernization. Search engines love new content and updates to the website, so it can only help you improve your ranking and improve your business.

7 Information bank

You will need to advise their banks of any changes to a limited liability company. Without suitable business banking company with limited liability, will find it very difficult to work and continue to grow. You might find it worth shopping around for a new business bank account, rather than sticking with your current bank. Each bank offers different incentives, rates and services that make it all worth considering, in accordance with your business needs.

8 Updating the Memorandum and Articles of Association

The new company name (and perhaps wealth of other changes in business), you will need new and updated series of Memorandum and Articles of Association. With up-to-date details and company structures.

You might also consider restructuring to set up different classes and share a new structure to take advantage of various benefits available under the Companies Act. Most companies that are registered online form with 'general' memorandum and articles of association as prescribed by the Companies Act 2006th These are great for many companies and businesses to keep the structure simple, but they canbe restrictive. With the change of name of May want to consider adjusting the structure of your poslovanja.Restrukturiranje be allowed to set up employee share incentive schemes, to allow for foreign investment from different sources to create a more tax efficient structure or operations of a charitable, nonprofit or more of certain types of companies (such as the right to manage the company). If you think you could benefit from the restructuring of the company, if you change your company name or not, contact the warehouse's legal team for support and guidance about the benefits.

9 Your customers

Perhaps one of your first considerations before to change the company name should be your clients. How would they feel about change? There are cases where companies have implemented re-branding that has backfired on them. May there be many reasons why you want to change your company name, but if you plan to stay in the same industry, provided the same services in the same market, then you will want to consider your customers. You certainly do not want to lose a loyal, valued customers, simply because they are not aware of the changes to your business. Similarly, if you are satisfied with the changes, you risk pushing them further to its competitors. Your customers are a valuable source of feedback, do not underestimate their value in helping your business grow.

10 Using Sensitive Words

The first time through company formation you are good to have given some account of the sensitive word - those are words and phrases required by law to use the company name. In choosing a new company name, you will also need to think carefully about your choice of words. Many words have been involved in various nutrients, and although it is not impossible to include them when they changed the name of your company, this will involve some extra effort and satisfaction of certain criteria. Be sure that we can access if you are aware that your new name contains sensitive words and need support to be correctly registered. Our legal team have the knowledge and experience to help you do just that.


There are many things to consider when conducting the business name, these are just some of the elements. With luck, the changes you have in mind to improve your business, increase sales and improve growth, but do not let your excitement for a change distract you from other important factors.

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