* Jeste li kategorički tvrde da imaju točan naziv matching.com domene? Slika iz ključnih driver (e) iza imena izazov, tako da kada dođete do konačnog popisa, možete pogledati natrag i odabrati onaj koji odgovara vašim kriterijima vrhu. Često se proces može dobiti maglovito i neusmjereno nakon duljeg potrazi za ime, i sve riječi počinju sondiranje i slično. Dakle, budite sigurni da znate što želite prije nego što započnete. Na taj način to će vam pomoći kada je 3 sata ujutro, oči početi križ, i vaš suprug ne želi biti vaš rezonator.
...* Jeste li kategorički tvrde da imaju točan naziv matching.com domene? Slika iz ključnih driver (e) iza imena izazov, tako da kada dođete do konačnog popisa, možete pogledati natrag i odabrati onaj koji odgovara vašim kriterijima vrhu. Često se proces može dobiti maglovito i neusmjereno nakon duljeg potrazi za ime, i sve riječi počinju sondiranje i slično. Dakle, budite sigurni da znate što želite prije nego što započnete. Na taj način to će vam pomoći kada je 3 sata ujutro, oči početi križ, i vaš suprug ne želi biti vaš rezonator.
...* Jeste li kategorički tvrde da imaju točan naziv matching.com domene? Slika iz ključnih driver (e) iza imena izazov, tako da kada dođete do konačnog popisa, možete pogledati natrag i odabrati onaj koji odgovara vašim kriterijima vrhu. Često se proces može dobiti maglovito i neusmjereno nakon duljeg potrazi za ime, i sve riječi počinju sondiranje i slično. Dakle, budite sigurni da znate što želite prije nego što započnete. Na taj način to će vam pomoći kada je 3 sata ujutro, oči početi križ, i vaš suprug ne želi biti vaš rezonator.
...* Jeste li kategorički tvrde da imaju točan naziv matching.com domene? Slika iz ključnih driver (e) iza imena izazov, tako da kada dođete do konačnog popisa, možete pogledati natrag i odabrati onaj koji odgovara vašim kriterijima vrhu. Često se proces može dobiti maglovito i neusmjereno nakon duljeg potrazi za ime, i sve riječi počinju sondiranje i slično. Dakle, budite sigurni da znate što želite prije nego što započnete. Na taj način to će vam pomoći kada je 3 sata ujutro, oči početi križ, i vaš suprug ne želi biti vaš rezonator.
......1 If you want your company name to stand out or fit in? This May seem like a trick question, but there is no right or wrong answer. Some new consultants, so deal with gaining acceptance in the industry, they are much more comfortable with a name that sounds like an established and credible, right from the start. If so, try looking up a list of others in your industry in places such as dmoz.org. Then you get a sense of the nomenclature used in your area. You May be able to compete to feel, just like other industries have done (eg Microsoft Outlook, Apple Safari, Netscape Navigator, etc.) If you want to get information, and then do the opposite. Look at the names of companies in your area and use of interpretive strategies appointment. For example, if almost everyone in the category of proper names used (sometimes known as "legacy" names), then go with the metaphor (eg, Jaguar, Volvo, Amazon, Monster, etc.) to convey your company's attributes. Or try the positive connotations of words to create a completely new identity (ie, Red Hat, OnStar, firedog, etc.) Just make sure you have a rationale that can explain why you chose that name, and one that leads to a deeper dialogue about your company.
...2 Have you explored all the possibilities? Often, new entrepreneurs will become frustrated and discouraged when naming their new company, simply because you have tried one or two naming strategies. Many times you've created a list of literal / functional names (eg Custom Software Consulting) only to find domain names are gone. Or you've tried some obvious metaphors (ie, Summit, Pinnacle, etc.) and found dozens of companies with similar imenima.Trik to employ several methods. This includes ...
...* invented names - This is a favorite with the consultants, but proceed with caution. It's easy to get caught up in the Chase with a new name, and gradually turn the spelling and the message until opaque. It is OK to use the Latin word parts and obscure references if the name can still speak and written in easily. Small businesses have the advantage of conveying the brand message in person, by telephone or on the trade conference. But do not push. If you have to constantly spell or correct spelling, then you miss it. And keep in mind the name can be fictional, but still carry meaning. We called one company Claricent, because they are able to provide clear insight and direction to their client base. So, you can still transfer the attribute, even invented a name. (ie Verizon Horizon =, = Agile Agilent, etc.)
...* Hybrid Descriptive Names - These names combine the descriptor for the industry and marry reminds words. Examples include companies such as Emisstar, consultants to industry emissions control. Big brand examples include JetBlue and Carmax. If you use this approach, just be sure that your industry descriptor is one that will not change over time.
...* Hybrid Descriptive Names - These names combine the descriptor for the industry and marry reminds words. Examples include companies such as Emisstar, consultants to industry emissions control. Big brand examples include JetBlue and Carmax. If you use this approach, just be sure that your industry descriptor is one that will not change over time.
...* metaphors - from the proverbial "picture speaks a thousand words", and metaphors are a great way to bring more companies with the attributes of an image. FourBridges capital, for example, expresses the company's investment banking capability to "bridge the gap" and "combine business with capital," etc. With four major partners and four major bridges in Chattanooga, TN, the story gets more traction.
...* If you want a name that is easy to say and spell?
* Are you most concerned with the trademark? * Are you most concerned with the trademark? ...
* Have you categorically say they have the correct name matching.com domain? Figure out the key driver (s) behind the name of the challenge, so when you get to the final list, you can look back and pick one that matches your top. Often the process can get foggy and unfocused after a long search for a name, and all start sounding words and the like. So, be sure you know what you want before you begin. In this way it will help you at 3 o'clock in the morning, your eyes start to cross, and your spouse does not want to be your sounding board.
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