descriptive names
Richmond Taxis, Mike motorcycle repairs, Phones4U are examples of business nazive.Sam descriptive name tells you what the business is. One of the advantages of descriptive names that do not have to spend thousands of dollars to tell people about the services we offer, your name does the job for vas.Downside descriptive names is that it can be difficult to find a unique name for your new job. If you are one of the first people to set up a business in your area, you'll probably find that the best names already protected. In addition, May you find the name of limited, if modified or expanded in future phases. If Mike decides to repair trucks and cars and motorcycles, and if Richmond Taxi to expand to other cities, their names will be an obstacle to acceptance.
your name
Jackson and sons, Coleman Associates, Brenda's Bridalwear are examples of names based on the owner and founder of his own name. These are good names for certain kinds of jobs, especially those whose customers are local - plumbers, builders, electricians, etc - as research shows that many people believe on the basis of local artisans. Names that suggest that the business is family owned and goes a long way, those containing 'and sons' or' and daughters, for example, are good for craft-based businesses or companies in traditional areas such as picture-framing, furniture making , restoration works. If you have a technology or computer related field, or in an industry where innovation is valued more than tradition and loyalty - marketers say - and they sound as if you are longtime family business is not a good choice.
Made-up names
Aquascutum, Microsoft, Adidas are examples of coined or made-up names, words do not exist in dictionaries. Since most short words in the dictionary that are already protected as business names, it can be difficult to find a name based on the existing British riječi.Made-up name would be easier to trademark. Business names that consist of recently coined words a good idea for companies that operate in many countries where English is not necessarily understood. Since there are so many words in English with Latin and Greek origin names aqua or micro in the title sounds familiar, so we are happy to accept them.
quirky spelling and punctuation unusual
Krispy Kreme, the design-4-U, Pro / Forma examples of names with intentional misspellings or unusual writing, or that include unexpected numbers and punctuation marks. They can sometimes be very effective - K more striking than the letter C, for example - and are often chosen because it is the correct spelling is already taken by other companies. If you spend a lot of money telling your potential customers that your name is spelled, it means a lot of press and posters, and is frequently mentioned in the press, you miss the May deal, because people will be looking under the wrong letter in the phone book, or will enter proforma unlined. The work that is destined to be well May you end up going to a rival.
something else
Apple, Orange, Virgin are examples of names that are completely different from other companies in their fields, and some of the most successful companies names like this. Such name must include major advertising and awareness campaign to tell people exactly what the company does, as the name on its own does not provide information. Every word evokes images and pictures in the minds of people, an apple is healthy and easily available, the orange is bright and shows the quality of the Virgin as a pioneer in new and uncharted territories. Potential buyers will bind all these positive characteristics with the business.
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