Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tips For Creating Brilliant Business Names

Imagine if Yahoo is the name TheInternetDirectoy. Or Starbucks was christened "Premier of coffee." Names will be far more descriptive than their current ones. But they would not embody the essence or spirit of the society they represent. Even if they offer the same goods and services, it's unlikely Yahoo or Starbucks would enjoy the same market share now possess if given the more descriptive, and probably accurate, names.

Now why is this so?

In short, great brand names leverage our emotions. They resonate with the experiential right brain vs. the logical left lobe. And emotions carry more motivational "charge" than logic. People buy emotionally and then justify rationally. And because great brand names create mental "pictures" they equate to the proverbial thousand descriptive words. These files are compressed, condensed soup, computer macros, that all expand and operate in our thoughts every time they saw or heard.

Creating emotionally charged names requires knowledge, expertise and a sense of the text. The first place to find positively charged names in the words themselves. Words have equity and that equity can be transferred to a company or product name. For example, a company that wants its customers to see their products and services as fresh, new and exciting borrowed the emotional charge associated with the word "virgin". This is how we have Virgin Airlines and Virgin Recordsa.Računalna company showed a fresh, friendly approach to the industry as expendable Apple.Tvrtka goofy clothes exuded adventure with its name Banana Republike.Online job board wanted to impress employers and job seekers with its massive listings ... hence Monster. And need I mention the Amazon? Borrowing on the attributes specific word or phrase is a natural way to instantly instill emotion in a brand.

, but with more and more words from the vocabulary used, building and trade, as the company do? Another way is to simply put familiar positive words into unique combinations. Witness our previous example of Starbucks. What is brighter than a star or has more mass appeal than money? Does it say coffee? No, but it sounds more appealing than "Coffee Corral". And more importantly, your business name is rarely exist in a vacuum. They are the sign above the shop, or the proposal or the card is handed to the seller. There is contextual support that helps fill in the blank so that the name does not have to do everything literally, the narrative explains. This is where a lot of companies go wrong. They make the name explain their category, not the cause of their advantages.

is another way of achieving this task is by creating a word that sounds "ish". When I say "ish" I think it sounds like it fits the company or product, even if it does smisla.Primjer ask? But, of course. My favorite is Viagra. This is a "V" and the energy and vitality, plus "iagra" of Niagra. Although there are no words, plays on existing, familiar parts and patterns of speech that creates a natural flow of the name. Hence the name Viagra is, in his book, "ish". This corresponds to the product categories. Cialis does not. Which means Cialis will have to buy the emotional bond with lots of emotion rich (and expensive) advertising. This can be done, but it košta.Puno.

Borrowing existing word equity, creating unique combinations and inventing "ish" words. Only three ways to develop a brand name. Try each of these techniques and if you can not get a name, ask a really good Scrabble player!

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