Thursday, August 25, 2011

Company Naming Vs Company Branding

Translating ...

Transcending Introduction

According, more than 600,000 new businesses start each year. With such a competitive environment, it is not enough to have a catchy or creative business name. To brand the company, give your business the whole story, not just the title. He urges prospective clients to go further beyond the jacket and look "inside the book." Then they will read more, see more and learn more about what to do. Branding a company creates a higher level of engagement by providing a powerful message that begins and ends with the name of decisive action - the desire to join in, log in, request a quote or to purchase the product. Company names are the cornerstone of the brand, but they are not the entire building. That is why so many Internet start-up failed, creating zany brand names with little or no continuity to them. They announce a scream, then have nothing to say. The company brands, like every other professional business services, requires a degree of thought and expertise to achieve the desired outcome -. Attracting the right audience with the right message to achieve the right answer

If you are in doubt, test it out

So before jumping to the first clever name, try to practice as part of the elevator speech. Can you follow it with an intuitive and compelling tag line or catch phrase? Does the name provide you with a marketing lexicon of words that support your brand message and your brand positioning? Are easy to segue into a deeper conversation about the benefits your company provides? Or is it stops cold, leaving the listener with a confused "huh?" that requires long explanations and clarifications. If you are pondering your company identity, then by all means aim high for a big company, that the "headline" for your business book. Just be sure to follow it up with a great story, a real page Turner, one that fans can not put away. This is when you go out of business a company brand name. If you do, and do well, you just May's next bestseller list!

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